EjSBS - The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences

The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Online ISSN: 2301-2218
European Publisher

Transfer of The Learning: Teacher Professional Development

Table 1: Synthesis of Catalysts and Barriers for TOT (Holton et al., 2000; Grossman et al., 2011)

Factor Definition
Perceived content validity and utility Content reflects job requirements and is perceived to be useful
Transfer design Learning environment is realistic/simulated and activities relate to job, modelling occurs, practice follows and it is understood how to transfer them to the job
Error management In the PD/PL errors are anticipated and learners given approaches to deal with them
Opportunity to use learning The individual has the resources and time to practice the new ideas (etc) on the job
Personal capacity to transfer İndividual has time, energy and cognitive ability to make the changes
Motivation to learn and transfer Individual is motivated to learn and to transfer the ideas (etc)
Effort is worthwhile Belief that the effort will lead to improved performance
Expected performance outcomes valued Performance outcomes would be valued by the individual and the organisation
Learner readiness İndividual contributed ideas (etc) to the plan, aware of expectations and aware how the PD/PL related to work performance
Self-efficacy Individual has personal belief in capacity to learn and transfer
Positive personal outcomes İndividual receives rewards for transferring the learning (e.g., personal satisfaction, salary increase)
Negative personal outcomes The use of the new learning leads to negative outcomes (e.g., reprimands, peer resentment)
Supervisor feedback/performance coaching İndividual receives assistance to improve and feedback from work environment
Follow-up After the formal PD/PL additional PDL should occur (e.g., relapse prevention, feedback, development of job aides)
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