EjSBS - The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences

The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Online ISSN: 2301-2218
European Publisher

Negative Life Events and Resilience in Higher Education Students

Table 4: t-test analysing the relationship between area of residence and the resilience scale factors

Resilience Scale Area of residence
Rural Urban p (levene) t P
Mean Standard Deviation Mean Standard Deviation
Perseverance 32.64 4.862 32.28 5.733 0.341 0.669 0.504
Life purpose 27.51 4.054 27.32 4.520 0.728 0.449 0.654
Serenity 15.21 2.646 14.46 3.313 0.001 2.439 0.015
Self-sufficiency and self-confidence 15.75 2.723 15.73 3.137 0.242 0.068 0.946
Total resilience 91.11 12.772 89.79 15.147 0.400 0.927 0.354
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