EjSBS - The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences

The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Online ISSN: 2301-2218
European Publisher

Pedagogy and Innovation in Science Education: A Case Study of an Experiential Learning Science Undergraduate Course

Table 1: List of distinctive notions of conception of pedagogical innovation (selected).

Distinctive notions Sub-themes (selected) Definition
Novelty Novelty Something arising for the first time, which does not follow tradition
Surprising students Pedagogical innovation is, first and foremost, surprising your students
Change Changing Replacing something with something else. Radical, profound change
Techno-Pedagogy Not a PI if no pedagogical thinking An innovation is only pedagogical if the thinking that created it is pedagogical. A technological innovation is not necessarily a pedagogical one
Reflection Reflection during testing Reflection continues during the testing of a pedagogical innovation
Creativity Creative, inventive and imaginative ability arising from the professor’s ideas
Improvement Improving Making something better, introducing positive changes
Application Being a process Pedagogical innovation is a process
Linked to the discipline The type of pedagogical innovation is linked to the discipline
Different levels and impacts Pedagogical innovation has different levels and different impacts
Using tools Pedagogical innovation is the use of tools
No ownership There is no ownership of pedagogical innovation
Human relations Innovation is constructed within relations Pedagogical innovation is constructed within the professor-student relationship
Learning as a professor Pedagogical innovation is learning as a professor
Linked to the teacher’s personality Pedagogical innovation is intimately linked to the teacher’s personality
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