Every human being has the sexual desire, which is sometimes distributed by way and objects that are not reasonable, that if the urge arises of course be done how to fulfill that desire, as well as for people with pedophilia. However, attention is often focused on children who become victims, even though the patient also has the right to deliver their sexual drive. This study was conducted to determine how the history of the formation of pedophilia disorders. By knowing what causes a person to have a pedophilia sexual orientation, this study expected to maximize the treatment given to people with pedophilia. This research is a qualitative research case study approach. The subject of this research are 2 people who are undergoing prison sentence associated with cases of sexual abuse in children. The research was conducted in prison, Singaraja. Data collection methods used were interviews and psychological tests. The data validation done using source triangulation. Results from this study is that the parents do not functioning properly as an adult figure and there is failure in identifying the parent figure as an adult. Domination by the older figures in childhood can also lead to the need to dominate and control others who can be seen as a compensation of the powerlessness of childhood. In addition, the presence of traumatic events in childhood or unpleasant experience with adult figures, thus forming a bad perception about the adults. These factors can trigger sexual deviation as in the case of pedophilia. However, many other factors outside of what has been mentioned above, that can strengthen the urge to deviate from patients with pedophilia and it is a dynamic process of how the formation history of these disorders.
Keywords: Peadophilia, aetology, sexual desire, children, dominate, control
As a human being, all must have drives, including the impulse biological or sexual desire. Generally, humans have a sexual orientation on the opposite sex. But in certain people, sexual orientation or the absence of such a small levels. Instead, they are interested in a different behavior, in this case interested to young children. By knowing what can drive someone has a deviant sexual orientation, is expected to provide more effective treatment to help patients and can provide deeper knowledge about the sexual disorders, so that it can more objectively assess patients, not just see people as perpetrator crime, but also as a man that has a sexual drive like everyone else in general.
Problem Statement
Sexual drive of pedophilia disorders focused on children.
Research questions
How the history of the formation of pedophilia disorders?
Purpose of the Study
This study was conducted to determine how the history of the formation of pedophilia disorders.
Research Methods
Descriptive qualitative research that focuses on case study research. The data used are primary data, i.e. data obtained from respondents or objects of research. This research uses unstructured interviews, because this interview is informal and far more free rhythm. An Interview explore pedophilia disorder subjects, psychosocial history and medical history. In order to strengthen the results of the interview, so in this study also used a psychological test TAT (Thematic Apperception Test), because I wanted to reveal history of the subject of sexual harassment owned since his childhood, his feelings now and hopes in the future. Other than that, to determine other aspects of the subject's personality as well as reveal impulses, need and press owned by the subjects but are not recognized by the subject. The subjects in this study were as many as 2, which is a foreign national, a grown man and has the characteristics of a pedophile disorder according to the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-IV. The selection of subjects was based on the initial interview and after learning the verdict given authorities the cases of the two subjects. The locations used in this study is a Class IIB Penitentiary Singaraja, Bali. This is because the subject is serving jail time in Bali. The research was conducted on December 29, 2007 until January 12, 2008
History of establishment on subject with pedophilia disorder 1 (JM) in their lives, where their mother served as a leader in the family and become the most dominant figure in the family, irritable and dominate the subject with regard still like a little kid, even though subjects has been an adult and organize the subject in any case. This case will bring up bad perception to an adult woman. Moreover, it can make social and sexual development unmature and subjects has not adequate social and sexual relationships in the adult world. Because of the fear and even hatred of the mother that the child should have felt on the contrary, as well as a traumatic event with their mother, causing the thoughts where conventional relationships with adult women to be very scary and the subject protect his ego from the anxiety arising from the memories of bad experiences by mother figure as women and adults. In addition, subjects also had poor interpersonal skills, the inability to establish adequate social relationships, and felt intimidated when interacting with adults. In this case, the subject was threatened with adult relationships with socially and sexually, it will make him switch on children as someone who does not threaten to get sexual satisfaction. In addition, mother figure that does not appropriate to his expectations, the father figure is also considered to be weak and less present in his life, making father not act in accordance his function in the family. This causes a failure in identifying of his father as an adult so that the subjects experienced a failure in the formation of the identification and act as an adult. In addition, there is improper selection of libido, in this case, when the subject was 10 years old, the subject relationship with a male friend in its class and it got positive reinforcement from her partner and a sense of pleasant to the event that makes the subject of repeated actions to adult subject like boys in the age range of 10-12 years. In addition, enjoy the habits of child pornography via the Internet is increasingly strengthening their sexual behavior. The dominance of the more mature figure of him in his life, in this case her mother and brother made him gain a lot of bad experiences. It makes the subject has a need to dominate and control the victim, as if no compensation of helplessness he felt the domination of people and the environment, the object can be the subject of dominance and control of the children. Bad experience with adult women repeated when subjects marry someone who also dominate.
From the bad experiences that he got from the women in his life reinforce bad perception on the subject on the part of women, this makes the subject feel more comfortable with a relationship with a child with male gender is known that subject who dominates the relationship and subject can avoiding bad memories about the woman in his life who dominte him.
For subject 2 (MC) his mother plays a very dominant in any affair in the household because his father was often traveling abroad for a long time and ever split up when the subject was a child because a war, made the subject losing a father figure in his childhood. This led to a failure identification of the father figure as a mature man and lead to the appearance of improper kataksis libido. In addition, quite a dominant mother figure in the family but not very talkative, even when the subject made a mistake cause the subject feel full freedom given both parents and subject making it as a principle in his life, including the sexual relationship. On the other hand, raise feeling neglected emotionally by the adult figure. Relationships within the family are also less close emotionally, subject only describe as a close friend who makes it uncomfortable to talk something personal like sex. Therefore, subjects received knowledge and experience sex with her own effort such as reading books with no opportunity to discuss it with the more mature, because when the subject tries to ask his mother, who obtained the subject is not the answer but the silence of his mother.
From the several factors that led to the emergence of sexual deviation, in general can be discussed with a psychodynamic perspective because, according to this theory, the condition on the determinant of deviant sexual behavior develops in early childhood and its effects on behavior and emerging mental condition. However, it can also be discussed with the behavior as reinforcement theory that deviant sexual behavior. etiology of pedophilia that occurred two subjects are different from each other. In general, it is interesting biography of the two subjects is less harmonious family relationships and close emotionally since minor subject that makes the subject failed to identify the figures of an adult, who can also bring a bad perception of the adults and eventually leads to sexual orientation is wrong and conventional relationships with adults can be very threatening. Also, it can be a sexual disorder and its relationship with unresolved Oedipal conflict (Blackburn, 1994: 288). Where a weak father figure and a mother who does not act in accordance with its function makes the subject may have a need to dominate and control the victim, as if to compensate for their feelings of helplessness during the Oedipal crisis. (Kaplan & Sadock, 1997). The loss of a father figure could also trigger occurs election libido kataksis improper, and in this case then moved to the sexual stimulation that can be dominated, that boy. Families who lack the structure as a function of the lack of clarity and lack of parental support and positive parent - child relationships that deviate as experienced by two subjects, can lead to hostility or negativity in general, is also a lack of empathy for women and adult figure. This childhood experience can contribute greatly to the low level of social skills and self-esteem, loneliness, and lack of an intimate relationship that often occurs in people with pedophilia (Marshall, Serran, & Cortoni, 2000 as cited in Davison et al., 2006) . This sexual deviation can also be viewed also as a defensive reaction, protecting the ego from fear and repressed memories and reflect pregenital fixation on stage in psychosexual development (Davison et al., 2004), because this is a psychological barrier in the development of people with pedophilia be seen as someone who is afraid to conventional heterosexual relationships, such as that experienced by the two subjects. The social and sexual development later became mature, and inadequate for social and sexual relationships in the adult world (Fausiah & Widury, 2006) in general. The existence of traumatic experiences related to sexuality or not, with the figures of adults and parents, as experienced by one subject (JM) can make it have a bad perception of the adult and chose to divert their sexual interest in the figure of a safer, i.e. the children . In learning theory are also mentioned, because of the number of objects that inadvertently linked to sexual stimulation can trigger aberrant sexual orientation. This is a close relation to the conditioning and observational learning. This conditioning occurs when intense sexual activity, such as masturbation and orgasm achievement done while staring at child pornography. Because it occurs repeatedly, so that the stimulus has the capacity to cause sexual excitement on the subject. In addition, the excessive emphasis or suppression of the natural curiosity about nature of sex, for religious reasons or other reasons, for example, children who are taught that sex is a taboo, dirty and accept punishment for his interest in sex may cause hindrance in understanding the concept of sexual (Berry, 2001). So, it can happen deviation in sexual behavior, as was the case in both subjects.
From the results, it can be concluded about the etiology of pedophilia are: Parents who do not play well as its function in the family and as an adult figure or negative pattern of parenting, can bring up failure identification of the adult figure in the establishment of adults, and occurs improper kataksis libido. In addition, the existence of dominance by the figures of the older in childhood, raises the need to dominate and control others in compensation of childhood powerlessness. The existence of a traumatic event or unpleasant experiences in childhood with adult figures can also form a bad perception of the adults. In addition to those already mentioned above, a person who has the disorder of pedophilia can be corroborated by some other factors such as environment and learning that one of the factors of sexual childhood to adult subject matter, as already described in previous chapters. And it is a dynamic process of the formation history of the disorder pedophilia. Because of this, people with sexual disorders can be expected to do consulting on the side that does have the competence to be able to help permasalan it faces. In older people, can pay more attention to parenting to their children, so as to minimize disruption that may arise due to applied the wrong upbringing of parents. With this study, it is hoped all parties could help treatment for patients. Also, it can bring more information to the general public not to quickly judge and condemn people, so it is no longer regarded as criminals, but as victims of a bad experience and treatment they received in the past.
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